hey , uda lmaa bgd gue gaa bka blog . so sorry for oll x)
noww , gue mau crtaa tntang liburan gue yg skarang nii . awal gue liburan pas tgl 14 - 16 juni 2009 gue cma prgi k bndung enn puncak with my fams wlaupun dsna gue cm 3 hari . hhe , tp hepihepi aja . dsna gue shoping d pvj . pas gue d pvj gue ktmu sma tmentmen gue trsyangg , yovita n angel :) stela ckup lma cipikacipiki gue plg . stela it gue cri hotel yg pass myan okee lahh . besok nyaa gue prgi brenang . dsna seru n myan enak tmpat rnang nyaa C: . uda puas gue brenang , gue mkan dee d cimory . hehe , dstu gue pw abiss , gue maen d taman naa yg pas buat nongkrong . HAHAHA . krn uda mkin mlm gue mau plg . otw k jakarta prtama nyaa brjalan lncar TPI PAS DI PRJALANAN ....... lu tau g ap yg trjadi ? MOBIL KIJANG SODARA GUE MOGOK KRN MSIN NA RUSAK ! OKEHH , SHID . then akhir nyaa gue minta tlong kluarga gue yg laen yg ada d jkarta buat jmput gue n yang laen pulangg . gue pun nyampe ruma mlm skitar jam 10 an . and thann gue istirahat karenaa cpee , ngantuk .
uda dlu yaa , liad blog gue yg slanjut nyaa aja . thenkss :]

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The first step is to make sure your Blogger is in Classic Template mode. Template tab >> Edit HTML >> Revert to Classic Template

There's a section under the blogger code that requires you to put in your link. It will show up under your post as "posted by yourblogname @ 12AM" and yourblogname will have a link attached to it. Edit that link to anything you like; an email, a webpage, etc.

Remember that all these sections are editable. You can put anything in (tagboards, music players, youtube vids) or take out entire sections. Follow the coding. For this layout, the right module items should not exceed 219 pixels in width.


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Because I was nice, I measured it all out for you (: Youtube vids here should be 219 pixels in width and 184 pixels in height.




Coding and Graphic Design by salcha4u.
However, brush credits DO NOT go to me.